Contact Info
3030 Columbia Pike
Arlington, VA 22204
Arlington, VA 22204
- Easy Access to Metro - 3.5 Miles to Washington D.C - 2.5
Miles to Arlington Cemetery - 4 Miles to Washington Convention
Center - Restaurant on Property, 40 Restaurants at Walking
Distance - Fitness Room/Guest Laundry - Free Continental
Breakfast - Efficiency Suites Available - 3.5 Miles to 3.5
Regan National Airport
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
From North - FROM I-395: North to Glebe Road North (Exit 7-B) -
2 miles to Columbia Pike. Right on Columbia Pike, 1.5 blocks
to property.
* FROM US-50: North to Glebe Road exit. Right on Glebe South
to Columbia Pike. Through the light to left on 12th, to left on
Highland, to property parking lot.
From South - FROM I-495 SOUTH: Exit from left lane to Route 66
East. To Fairfax/Glebe Road (Exit 71), 1 block to Glebe Road.
Right on Glebe Road, 2 miles to Columbia Pike. You can t make a
left on Columbia Pike...through the light then left on 12th, to
left on property parking lot.
From East - US 50 West to Glebe Road South; left turn to
Columbia Pike;2 Blocks; property is on right.